I am looking for a participant to join me in a 12-week transformational parenting journey as a requirement of my Parent Coaching Certification with the Jai Institute of Parenting [Starting mid/end of March until early/mid June].
We will meet once a week over Zoom or over coffee depending on the participant’s comfort level and location in the world.

From the Jai Institute of Parenting:
"Our fundamental and guiding philosophy is based on this truth: Our children’s behavior is a direct reflection of their needs (met or unmet) and our triggers (expressed consciously or expressed unconsciously). When we change, our children’s behavior changes. Without exception. So we provide a deeply transformational experience for parents first. As you let go of your residual feelings and unconscious belief patterns left over from your childhood and the way you were parented —you are able to quickly release the old, limiting beliefs and replace them with your own empowering beliefs—the ones that will truly support your best parenting. The specific tools and strategies that we do teach are grounded in the foundations of Attachment and Nervous System Science, Brain Science work of Daniel Siegel, Non-Violent Communication, Emotional Intelligence and the Neuroplasticity work of Dr. Bruce Lipton.”

My personal journey in this work as a mum of four has been life changing. I value connection with my children over everything and raising them in an environment where they feel safe, heard and seen.
My ideal client is a parent of a child or children at any stage in their development from toddlers to young adults with a willingness to look at their parenting with the fresh perspective of empowerment for all members of the family, emotional intelligence, and non-violent communication.
The 12-week program includes weekly videos and workbook pages followed up with a one-hour coaching session each week. This program is valued at $1800 and I will waive the fee for my willing participant!
Please share this with anyone you know who may be interested in exploring a paradigm shift in their parenting.
Interested parties may reach out to me by email at paula@accelerateempowerment.com .
I'm excited to work with you!