It's that time of year again. Back-to-school season is here and for many kids, it can be a stressful time. For anxious children, the thought of returning to school can be especially overwhelming. To help ease the transition, here are five tips for helping anxious kids get ready for school.
1. Start the Conversation Early.

Talk to your child about the upcoming school year before it starts. Ask them what they are looking forward to and what they are worried about. This will help you understand their anxieties and be better prepared to help them.
2. Prepare for the First Day.

Talk to your child about what the first day of school will look like. Who will they see? What will they do? This will help them feel more prepared and in control of the situation.
3. Create a Routine.

Establishing a routine can help reduce anxiety. Try setting aside some time each day to review the school day and talk about any worries or concerns.
4. Make Connections.

Reach out to the school and ask about available resources for anxious students. Many schools already introduce the children to their teachers for the next year and let them know who their classmates will be before the school year starts - which can be particularly helpful.
5. Practice Self-Care.

Encourage your child to take care of themselves by getting enough sleep, drinking water, eating healthy meals, and engaging in activities they enjoy.
Back-to-school season can be an anxious time for kids, but with the right preparation and support, they can have a successful and enjoyable school year. Talking to your child about their anxieties, preparing for the first day, creating a routine, connecting with the school, and practicing self-care are all great ways to help anxious kids get ready for school.
We are running a back to school workshop at the end of August to help prepare girls aged 8 - 13 years old for going back to school. Click the image below to find more details and to book a place.